2024 Pitch A Pole Winner Announced


2024 Pitch A Pole Winner Announced

​Amidst the chaos and clamor of planning for the 2024 Poles of Inconvenience, we asked you to pitch the most gloriously inconvenient poles imaginable. And what absurdity you brought. Among the submissions, three gems emerged from the fray. After much deliberation (and a fair bit of head-scratching), we’re excited to announce the winner of the 2024 Pitch a Pole Contest.


Stefano Stefano Bollani (ste_bolla)

The road to Vashlovani National park is a meandering mess of potholes and pitfalls. As you venture eastward, be prepared for some permit faff in Dedoplistskaro that will probably not be very straightforward. In the last leg of this journey, expect encounters with enigmatic rangers and stoic sheep herders both of whom speak no English and little to no Russian. Then brace yourself for the final showdown with the unforgiving terrain, where every kilometre feels like a marathon and each minute drags on like an eternity.

Stefano’s submission won the Council over with its audaciousness, its complete disregard for practicality, and its unwavering dedication to inconvenience. His pole will join the illustrious ranks of our official network of inconvenience, forever immortalised in the annals of absurdity.

As a token of our appreciation, Stefano will be granted a free entry to one of our adventures where chaos reigns and inconvenience thrives. To Stefano Bollani, we salute you.

But that’s not all. We’d be remiss not to tip our hats to others that made the short list. 

Runners Up


This road’s reputation precedes it, with tales woven into local legend. “TBar Corner” gained notoriety for an incident involving a three-wheeler careening off a cliff, yet miraculously surviving. The road has claimed vehicles, leaving travellers stranded for hours with no signal. Assistance is scarce in these remote areas. While possible in a compact car, traversing it requires skill and luck.  The views out to see are unparalleled and the Ovrios beach serves as the perfect reward after such a gruelling drive. This is Pelion, the mythological home to the Centaurs, school for Achilles and start for the Argonauts.

Hamish has been driving this road since adolescence. He assures us this “can be done in a small car…but it needs good driving and a lot of luck!” He’s seen multiple Land Rovers claimed over the years so let the be a lesson to those considering taking one on this year’s adventure. Don’t do it. His relentless pursuit to conquer this road and the absurdity of the challenge secured his position as a runner-up.

Domino Ireland (dominoadventure)


“If the 3word name doesn’t jiggle your colon, then think 3600 bunkers and a Ghost Town trail. No plans have yet been announced as to how tourists will travel from mainland Albania to the island … The island is still technically an operational military base. It is manned by two soldiers who patrol its two square miles” 

Domino’s submission immediately made it to the short list. It made us wonder: “is a Pole of Inconvenience even a Pole of Inconvenience if it doesn’t jiggle one’s colon?” This piece of poetry deserves an award unto itself.

Thanks to everyone for contributing to the glorious madness that is the Poles of Inconvenience. 

It’s not to late too gather your courage, summon your sense of adventure and join the 2024 Poles of Inconvenience



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