Rickshaw Run Sri Lanka
March 2025
14 March 2025 to 22 March 2025
Bugger, you’re too late for this edition. Get yourself registered on the August 2025 run.
Max 3 per team in one rickshaw.
13th March: Pre-adventure beers
14th March: Test driving & launch party
15th March: Test driving and team briefing
16th March: Launch day
22nd March: Finish line and finish party
Still got questions?
Scroll down to our FAQs to see if we’ve already answered it, or dive into the full details here.
If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, give us a shout: [email protected].
August 2025
8 August 2025 to 16 August 2025
JOINMax 3 per team in one rickshaw.
7th August: Pre-adventure beers
8th August: Test driving & launch party
9th August: Test driving and team briefing
10th August: Launch day
16th August: Finish line and finish party
Still got questions?
Scroll down to our FAQs to see if we’ve already answered it, or dive into the full details here.
If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, give us a shout: [email protected].
October 2025
3 October 2025 to 11 October 2025
JOINMax 3 per team in one rickshaw.
2nd October: Pre-adventure beers
3rd October: Test driving & launch party
4th October: Test driving and team briefing
5th October: Launch day
11th October: Finish line and finish party
Still got questions?
Scroll down to our FAQs to see if we’ve already answered it, or dive into the full details here.
If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, give us a shout: [email protected].
January 2026
31 December 2025 to 8 January 2026
JOINMax 3 per team in one rickshaw.
30th December: Pre-adventure beers
31st December: Test driving & launch party
1st January: Test driving and team briefing
2nd January: Launch day
8th January: Finish line and finish party
Still got questions?
Scroll down to our FAQs to see if we’ve already answered it, or dive into the full details here.
If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, give us a shout: [email protected].
March 2026
14 March 2026 to 21 March 2026
JOINMax 3 per team in one rickshaw.
13th March: Pre-adventure beers
14th March: Test driving, briefing & party
15th March: Launch day
21st March: Finish line and finish party
Still got questions?
Scroll down to our FAQs to see if we’ve already answered it, or dive into the full details here.
If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, give us a shout: [email protected].
August 2026
8 August 2026 to 15 August 2026
JOINMax 3 per team in one rickshaw.
7th August: Pre-adventure beers
8th August: Test driving, briefing & party
9th August: Launch day
15th August: Finish line and finish party
Still got questions?
Scroll down to our FAQs to see if we’ve already answered it, or dive into the full details here.
If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, give us a shout: [email protected].
October 2026
9 October 2026 to 16 October 2026
JOINMax 3 per team in one rickshaw.
8th October: Pre-adventure beers
9th October: Test driving, briefing & party
10th October: Launch day
16th October: Finish line and finish party
Still got questions?
Scroll down to our FAQs to see if we’ve already answered it, or dive into the full details here.
If you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, give us a shout: [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to all the questions you secretly want to ask but can’t be bothered to find yourself.
Can anyone from anywhere join in on the chaos?Indeed so. If you’re over 18, possess a passport, have a healthy disregard for personal safety, and like your adventure served piping hot on the finest platter, you’re very welcome to join the fray. |
How do I talk to the other fools on this adventure?Once you sign up, you’ll get access to the Adventure Handbook – think of it as a sacred text. Here you’ll find a team chat group with Adventurists from all over the globe. Expect an inebriating cocktail of light banter and bad planning. We also run the odd team gathering, which you’ll be welcome to join. |
Can I do this solo, or do I need a teammate?You can indeed fly solo if you like. Plenty of past Adventurists have taken on the world alone with only their questionable mode of transport and an overflowing feeling of heroicness. If you’re the lone-wolf type, grab your steed of choice and crack on. If you’d rather not, but couldn’t convince any of your mates to join in the stupidity, you can find like-minded souls on our Facebook group. And if that still doesn’t work, just tag along with other teams in a convoy of chaos. With pre-adventure meetups and training, by the time you hit the start line, you’ll have a whole gang of fellow misfits by your side. |
Are the adventures safe for women?Our adventures come with a generous helping of danger by default, but being a woman doesn’t particularly make it any riskier. Plenty of women have thrown themselves headfirst into the chaos and emerged covered in the dust of glory and sporting an enormous grin. Of course, you might have a different experience in some places – so, as we say to everyone ahead of an adventure, do your homework and brush up with a bit of research on where you’re going. But the bottom line is, if you’re up for the mayhem, your gender won’t be your downfall. |
Do you bail me out if I get stuck?No. We’re strict about this. Our adventures are unsupported. You’ll have plenty of time to test your vehicle, meet your fellow Adventurists, and ask all your burning questions at the pre-adventure briefing. But once you roll across the start line, you’re on your own, which is exactly how it’s meant to be. We’ve seen plenty a nervous wreck teeter on the start line, seconds away from a code brown, only for them to roar across the finish line with a pristine bumhole, a victorious swagger, and a grin that says, “I’ve been slapped in the chops by the wet fish of chaos, and I’d queue up for another faceful right now.” Along the way, you and your fellow Adventurists will forge the kind of attachment that only unsupported shared chaos, or a long stint in prison can create. Your well-earned tales of triumph at the end will be copious, and they will be ridiculous. |
Is this a race, and are there prizes for coming first?No, none of our adventures are races. In fact, we’d commend you if you did it really slowly and got hopelessly lost. The more of a pickle you get into, the better your stories at the finish line. It’s not a competition – unless you’re competing to see who can rack up the most notches on the bedpost of misadventure. |
Do I need to pack anything special, or just my wits?We mostly advise you to bring your wits and a spare pair of pants. On some of the adventures, we give you a (very) basic tool kit that’ll do the job in a pinch if you break down. But if you want to pretend to feel useful then packing a roll of duct tape, some cable ties and a handful of spanners wouldn’t hurt. Since you’ll be lugging your gear the whole way, we don’t suggest packing a massive bag of tools, or indeed, too many clothes. We provide info on stuff to bring in the Adventure Handbook, which you’ll get once you sign up. It’s not about being prepared – it’s more about surviving the lack of preparation. |
Do I need one of those fancy GPS gadgets, or can I wing it?We prefer using out of date maps and asking locals to point us vaguely in the right direction. But due to the stubborn march of modernity, most teams now bring along a smartphone, so they can post their tales of adventure online while figuring out where they are. Not many teams use a standalone GPS device. Unless you intend to take your slightly untrustworthy steed somewhere very remote, you don’t really need one. If you really must take one, you need to check the law – certain satellite enabled devices are very illegal in some countries and can get you in serious trouble at the airport. We’ve had teams imprisoned because of them. Once you sign up to the adventure, you’ll get access to our tracking app, which connects to your phone’s GPS and shows your location on a map for the world to see – even if you choose not to know. All in all – it’s entirely up to you but winging will most certainly lead to more adventure. |
What happens if I have to bail?We get it – sometimes life likes to get its jollies by lobbing spanners of annoyance in your works. If that happens to you, and you have to bail on your adventure, we have a cancellation policy that covers a full refund for 28 days before dropping off as the adventure looms. You can check out our cancellation policy here. If you want extra cover, there are insurance policies out there that can cover you for your entry fee if the worst happens and you have to unexpectedly pull out. |
Am I lugging all my stuff the whole way?Yep. We suggest you pack as lightly as possible. You really don’t need much. The less you bring, the fewer regrets you’ll have when you’re dragging it up mountains or across a desert. |
Do I need travel insurance?Yes, you’ll definitely need travel insurance that covers you for the adventure. Some standard policies might not cover you, so make sure your insurer knows exactly what you’re getting into. And remember – these aren’t races, which is an important detail for some insurers. Get the right cover, so you can take on the unknown without the looming threat of paperwork nightmares and fine-print hell. You don’t want to be having to sell all your worldly possessions, or a kidney, if something goes wrong. |