Sarah Hyde
Monkey Run Mongolia September 2025
The team members

Sarah Hyde
We only store and share the data we need to give you the adventure you bought from us or use the service you wanted to use for as long as you want to make use of it.
Well, in truth, we sell your data to criminals as soon as you land on the site. By the time you read this you’ll have already had your identity cloned. You probably weren’t making the most of it anyway if someone can borrow part of it.
You can delete yourself at anytime and then you won’t need to worry about your privacy.
If for some reason you’ve got so much free time you actually want to read something boring here is the legal shittwittery we probably nicked from a website selling coloured stationary so we don’t get fined by the EU. Which would probably never happen. Like Brexit. But if I were you I would take a fork and stab out your eyeballs instead. Like Brexit.